Best Kept Secret: Boost Your Immune System with These Hard-To-Find Capsules and Tinctures

By Lalanii Rochelle, MFA

Tagline: Bad*ss Creative Director with a pen and her puppies.


Hey Bloomers,


Immune much? Nah, I doubt it. We all aren’t. As we’ve seen in the last few months of Covid-19 sweeping the world with sickness, depression, anxiety, and death in the thousands... One thing can be said and screamed for sure:



And here come I stumbling upon the most incredible little capsules and tinctures to exist in “immune system” and “hemp-derived citrusy-bliss!”


The Citrus Immunity drops are a God-send. 500 mg bottles are highly sought after since, after my first purchase, they were immediately sold out! The second they resurfaced I was able to snag my usual 1 ml dose under my tongue for 15-20 seconds and feel healthier, vibrant, and more capable of braving the outside with a tad more confidence knowing I’d given myself an added boost of CBD with immunity, but without any THC!


What’s more? Well, each little dropper contains 300 mg of Zinc and 2000 mg of Vitamin C, so you can get your Vitamins from your Vitamins


Even more? The drops can be added to teas, ice-lemon, and flavored waters, and in my case–even my orange juice got a delicious shot in! You can also add it to your smoothie, lemonade, and it fares well with any breakfast– combined with LumiBloom’s Immunity Capsules, of course.


Because we’re all looking for a natural way to fight off any illness without overloading our bodies with over-the-counter anythings–this Hemp-Derived CBD Tincture, with its sidekick–Immunity Booster Capsules make for a beautiful morning, every morning! I don’t even feel “right” without them, now. Step out with confidence knowing the herbs you’ve ingested into your body have vitamin B6, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, goldenseal root, echinacea, and glutamine, so your body has full nutraceutical support.


Why exactly? Because we just don’t have the time for sick days.


Why again? Well, with Covid-19 looming, we would all like to not die.


I don’t believe we shouldn’t do everything we can to stay well. I don’t think we can just eat right and exercise and not pump our bodies with fuel by way of vitamins that relax and build the immune system. LumiBloom’s capsules feature 750 mg of CBD with a suggested 1-2 capsules per serving.


So Bloomers, I just gave you the blueprint to wellness… now go make it happen.





Lalanii Rochelle, MFA
